Sunday, April 17, 2011

Kundalini Rising - Chid Kudalini

When one thought ends and the second thought begins there is a
sandhikal, the junction, the threshold. You have to become aware of that Gap. You
can use the word gap for that sandhi. As you go on practicing Ajapa Gayatri, your
breath becomes slower and slower and at one moment it will stop. You keep watching
your thoughts, at one moment your thoughts will also stop, then you have only GAP
throughout. When you become steady in the gap, suddenly the Kundalini Shakti gets
into the Muladhara, you keep watching , it straight moves to third eye, you may just
breath out and it moves to Sahasrara and opens your Brahmarandra and you start
experiencing the Jagadananda, universal bliss. This experience is called as Chid
Kundalini. This can be perfect description of enlightenment experience because when
you get into the Jagadananda, the dissolution of ‘I’ is complete in this process. The
mind gets dropped. You are steady in the no-mind state. But in this state, the nomind
state, there is no void.
There is a huge confusion going on with meditators. If you do Buddhist meditation you
get into Shunyata. Shunyata is the state of non thinking. In English we can call it as
Void. But in the state of Void you cannot experience Jagadananda, universal bliss. In
the Void there is no bliss, it is just a void. This is where Kashmir Shaivism Practices
are far more superior. Here enthusiastically you are refreshing your awareness every
nanosecond and capturing your turning points. In the same way, you go on increasing
your awareness; you go on refreshing your awareness every nanosecond and capture
the Gap. Even when you become steady in the Gap, you go on refreshing your
awareness every nanosecond. There is no thought but refreshing of awareness is
there, in that refreshing of awareness you will stumble upon, at one point, where the
awareness becomes aware of itself. There is absolutely no thought but awareness
becomes aware of itself and there is a great vibrancy. That vibrancy brings about
ecstasy. It is the effervescent silence not the dead void, that is the experience of
Chid Kundalini.
These experiences happen only to those Yogis who are not having any attachment
with the material world, they have already transcended materiality. Most of the
grihasthis that I have seen so far, the record shows they get into the aspect of Chid
From Secrets of Kudalini (scribd)

1 comment:

  1. Meditation is often linked to Yoga, since it is one of the many aspects of Yoga. However, meditation is also a separate entity and has existed in almost every corner of the earth for a very long time.

    ilchi lee education
